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Stonehenge Monumento prehistórico en Wiltshire, Inglaterra

Stonehenge es un enorme monumento de piedra ubicado en una llanura calcárea al norte de la ciudad moderna de Salisbury, Inglaterra.

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Stonehenge Monumento prehistórico en Wiltshire, Inglaterra
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Heelstone Block of sarsen stone in England

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Heelstone Block of sarsen stone in England
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Stonehenge Avenue Camino ceremonial antiguo en el Reino Unido

La Avenida de Stonehenge es una ruta procesional prehistórica en Wiltshire, Inglaterra.

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Stonehenge Avenue
Stonehenge Avenue Camino ceremonial antiguo en el Reino Unido
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Normanton Down Barrows Barrows in England

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Normanton Down Barrows
Normanton Down Barrows Barrows in England
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Stonehenge Cursus Cursus en Reino Unido

El Cursus de Stonehenge es una característica del paisaje antiguo cerca de Stonehenge.

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Stonehenge Cursus
Stonehenge Cursus Cursus en Reino Unido
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New henge at Stonehenge Barrow cemetery in England

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New henge at Stonehenge
New henge at Stonehenge Barrow cemetery in England
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Linear boundary within Normanton Gorse Archaeological site in Wilsford cum Lake, Wiltshire, England, UK

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Linear boundary within Normanton Gorse Archaeological site in Wilsford cum Lake, Wiltshire, England, UK
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Pond barrow south of the A303 and 400m west of Normanton Gorse containing the 'Wilsford Shaft' Archaeological site in Wilsford cum Lake, Wiltshire, England, UK

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Pond barrow south of the A303 and 400m west of Normanton Gorse containing the 'Wilsford Shaft' Archaeological site in Wilsford cum Lake, Wiltshire, England, UK
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Pond barrow 30m north of The Cursus Archaeological site in Durrington, Wiltshire, England, UK

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Pond barrow 30m north of The Cursus Archaeological site in Durrington, Wiltshire, England, UK
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Pond barrow 50m north of A344 west of The Cursus Archaeological site in Winterbourne Stoke, Wiltshire, England, UK

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Pond barrow 50m north of A344 west of The Cursus Archaeological site in Winterbourne Stoke, Wiltshire, England, UK
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