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A bowl barrow and three bell barrows forming part of The Cursus round barrow cemetery

A bowl barrow and three bell barrows forming part of The Cursus round barrow cemetery

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A bowl barrow and three bell barrows forming part of The Cursus round barrow cemetery, bowl barrow in Amesbury, Wiltshire, England, UK

Ubicación: Amesbury

Fuente: Wikimedia


A bowl barrow and three bell barrows forming part of The Cursus round barrow cemetery Bowl barrow in Amesbury, Wiltshire, England, UK

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A bowl barrow and three bell barrows forming part of The Cursus round barrow cemetery - bowl barrow in Amesbury, Wiltshire, England, UK es proporcionado por Around.Us ( Las imágenes y los textos provienen del proyecto Wikimedia bajo una licencia Creative Commons. Se permite copiar, distribuir y modificar copias de esta página, bajo las condiciones establecidas por la licencia, siempre y cuando este aviso aparezca claramente.