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Mithraeum at the Baths of Mithra

Mithraeum at the Baths of Mithra

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Mithraeum at the Baths of Mithra, Mithraeum in Ostia, Italy

Ubicación: Rome

Fuente: Wikimedia


Mithraeum at the Baths of Mithra Mithraeum in Ostia, Italy

Italia 0 m
Mithraeum at the Baths of Mithra
Mithraeum at the Baths of Mithra Mithraeum in Ostia, Italy
Italia 0 m
Maritime Baths (III,VIII,2) Terme romane

Italia 0 m
Maritime Baths (III,VIII,2)
Italia 0 m
House of Cupid and Psyche Estructura romana antigua en Italia

Italia 89 m
House of Cupid and Psyche
House of Cupid and Psyche Estructura romana antigua en Italia
Italia 89 m
Temple of Hercules at Ostia Roman temple in Ostia

Italia 102 m
Temple of Hercules at Ostia
Temple of Hercules at Ostia Roman temple in Ostia
Italia 102 m
Caseggiato degli Aurighi The Caseggiato degli Aurighi forms a block contiguous with the Terme dei Sette Sapienti, adjacent to the north, and the Caseggiato del Serapide. The name of the house comes from frescoes depicting charioteers

Italia 129 m
Caseggiato degli Aurighi
Caseggiato degli Aurighi The Caseggiato degli Aurighi forms a block contiguous with the Terme dei Sette Sapienti, adjacent to the north, and the Caseggiato del Serapide. The name of the house comes from frescoes depicting charioteers
Italia 129 m
House of Annius A 2nd century CE building in Ostia that was once linked to the Horreum of the Dolia

Italia 174 m
House of Annius
House of Annius A 2nd century CE building in Ostia that was once linked to the Horreum of the Dolia
Italia 174 m
Temple of the Ship Carpenters A Roman temple in Ostia built at the time of the emperor Commodus atop an earlier fullerry.

Italia 178 m
Temple of the Ship Carpenters
Temple of the Ship Carpenters A Roman temple in Ostia built at the time of the emperor Commodus atop an earlier fullerry.
Italia 178 m
Basilica Cristiana

Italia 180 m
Basilica Cristiana
Italia 180 m
House of the Muses A Roman domus in Ostia

Italia 231 m
House of the Muses
House of the Muses A Roman domus in Ostia
Italia 231 m
House of the Shops with Show-windows Archaeological site in Italy

Italia 247 m
House of the Shops with Show-windows
House of the Shops with Show-windows Archaeological site in Italy
Italia 247 m
Capitolium Roman temple in Ostia

Italia 254 m
Capitolium Roman temple in Ostia
Italia 254 m
Schola del Traiano Schola del Traiano (Ostia Antica)

Italia 255 m
Schola del Traiano
Schola del Traiano Schola del Traiano (Ostia Antica)
Italia 255 m
Museo Archeologico Ostiense Italian museum

Italia 270 m
Museo Archeologico Ostiense
Italia 270 m
Museo ostia antica

Italia 271 m
Museo ostia antica
Italia 271 m
Domus di Giove e Ganimede House in Italy

Italia 283 m
Domus di Giove e Ganimede
Domus di Giove e Ganimede House in Italy
Italia 283 m
Caseggiato di Diana (I,III,3-4) A high-rise building of Roman Ostia

Italia 322 m
Caseggiato di Diana (I,III,3-4)
Caseggiato di Diana (I,III,3-4) A high-rise building of Roman Ostia
Italia 322 m
Porta Marina (Ostia Antica) Porta di Ostia Antica

Italia 346 m
Porta Marina (Ostia Antica)
Porta Marina (Ostia Antica) Porta di Ostia Antica
Italia 346 m
Forum Baths, Ostia Public baths adjacent to Ostia's forum that are dated to the third century CE

Italia 369 m
Forum Baths, Ostia
Forum Baths, Ostia Public baths adjacent to Ostia's forum that are dated to the third century CE
Italia 369 m
Tomb of Caius Cartilius Poplicola A first century B.C. tomb located in Ostia

Italia 425 m
Tomb of Caius Cartilius Poplicola
Tomb of Caius Cartilius Poplicola A first century B.C. tomb located in Ostia
Italia 425 m
Terme di Porta Marina (IV,X,1-2) Terme a Ostia Antica

Italia 491 m
Terme di Porta Marina (IV,X,1-2)
Terme di Porta Marina (IV,X,1-2) Terme a Ostia Antica
Italia 491 m
Teatro de Ostia Teatro romano antiguo en Italia

Italia 563 m
Teatro de Ostia
Teatro de Ostia Teatro romano antiguo en Italia
Italia 563 m
Plaza de las Corporaciones Mercantile center in ancient Ostia

Italia 564 m
Plaza de las Corporaciones
Plaza de las Corporaciones Mercantile center in ancient Ostia
Italia 564 m
Ostia Ciudad antigua en Italia

Italia 584 m
Ostia Ciudad antigua en Italia
Italia 584 m
Tor Boacciana Torre medieval en Roma

Italia 623 m
Tor Boacciana
Tor Boacciana Torre medieval en Roma
Italia 623 m
Sinagoga de Ostia Antica Sinagoga en Roma

Italia 660 m
Sinagoga de Ostia Antica
Sinagoga de Ostia Antica Sinagoga en Roma
Italia 660 m
Terme dei Cisiarii Terme dei Cisiarii (II,II,3)

Italia 911 m
Terme dei Cisiarii
Terme dei Cisiarii Terme dei Cisiarii (II,II,3)
Italia 911 m
Mithraeum at the Baths of Mithra - Mithraeum in Ostia, Italy es proporcionado por Around.Us ( Las imágenes y los textos provienen del proyecto Wikimedia bajo una licencia Creative Commons. Se permite copiar, distribuir y modificar copias de esta página, bajo las condiciones establecidas por la licencia, siempre y cuando este aviso aparezca claramente.